Exchange 2000::Windows 2000::Account Expiration
Had an odd problem recently with getting into an Exchange mailbox. A user's AD account was setup to expire at a certain date and time. When that time came she was logged on and working in her mailbox. Kaboom-she's kicked out at the appointed time. She tries to log back on and can't. All working as designed. If only the admin had setup the proper account to expire instead of this person who is now locked. No biggy: just re-enable the account in ADUC. Okay fine, now she can log on, but--holy crap!--can't get into Exchange.
Nor can anyone with full rights assigned to her mailbox get into it. Attempting to send an e-mail to that mailbox -> bounced message.
To get this to work I had to delete the exchange account (we have it setup so the mailbox is not really deleted for 30 days) and then relink the exchange account to the AD user.
Conclusion: Expiring accounts is a baaaaaad thing.
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