Avoiding TRIPOD.COM Sidebar
Geeeez, tripod.com sticks a banner at the top of my site - isn't it enough that my site is advertising matchmaker services for tripod and heaven knows what else?
Now they started sticking that stupid side bar search that brings up "other similar tripod sites." But I haven't seen one that I want to be called similar to.
Am I complaining too much about stuff I get for free? (But look at the Google search engine and Blogger, they are free but they aren't blatantly lame…)
Hopefully you weren't turned away by this BS before you read this post. To stop this insanity, I have a suggestion:
If you are using Internet Explorer, setup http://*.tripod.com on the list of restricted sites. This will disable java and prevent that crap from coming up every time you open one of my pages.
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