
Windows::DNS Alias

This is a known issue with 2000 and 2003 servers.

When a client computer connects to a Windows 2000 or 2003 server using an alias, the client receives:
System error 52 has occurred.
A duplicate name exists on the network.
This error occurs when you attempt to connect to the server by using a CNAME alias that is created in the DNS zone:
net view \\alias.<domain name.com>
where alias is a CNAME record that is created for the server in the <domain name.com> zone. Because the server is not listening on the alias, it does not accept connections to that name.

Start – Run - Regedt32
Create the following DWORD Key manually.

Shutdown and restart the server.now alias should work again.

Outlook::Calendar Items

It seems like a couple times a month we get somebody with a wierd issue related to Outlook Appointments.
This Tech Support Article illustrates the many things that can go wrong with Outlook Calendar appointments and some of the solutions.




SNMP::Network Management::MRTG config repository

Plixer MRTG Repository

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Cisco::SNMP::IP Accounting

Gathering IP accounting information from a router via SNMP.
Cisco document with details about SNMP calls to gather MAC table and IP accounting tables from routers via SNMP.

Perl script to do this:

use SNMP_util;

$host = $ARGV[0];
if ($host eq "") {
print "Host address (return = $defaultHost) ? ";
$host = <stdin>;
if ($host eq "") { die "Usage: ipac [host address]\n"; }

print "Gathering data from $host . . .\n";

@accounting = snmpwalk ("public\@$host",".");

my @src, @dest, $pkts, $bytes;

foreach $line (@accounting) {
($pre, $data) = split (/\:/, $line);
@mib = split(/\./, $pre);
if ($mib[1] eq "1") { push (@src, $data);}
elsif ($mib[1] eq "2") { push (@dest, $data);}
elsif ($mib[1] eq "3") { push (@pkts, $data);}
elsif ($mib[1] eq "4") { push (@bytes, $data);}
elsif ($mib[1] eq "5") { last;}
else { print "unrecognized data\n";}

my $index = 1;

open (OUT, ">", "output.html");
open (CSV, ">", "output.csv");

print OUT "<html><head><link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"styles.css\" /></head><body><table border=\"1\" bordercolor=\"black\">";
print OUT "<h2>$host IP Accounting</h2><a href=\"output\.csv\" target=\"_blank\">Open in Excel</a>";
print CSV "$host IP Accounting\n";
print OUT "<tr><th>Source</th><th>Destination</th><th>Bytes</th><th>Packets</th></tr>\n";
print CSV "Source,Destination,Bytes,Packets\n";

foreach $from (@src) {
print OUT "<tr><td>$src[$index]</td><td>$dest[$index]</td><td>$bytes[$index]</td><td>$pkts[$index]</td></tr>\n";
print CSV "$src[$index],$dest[$index],$bytes[$index],$pkts[$index]\n";

print OUT "</table></body></html>\n";

close OUT;
close CSV;


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Exchange2007::Outlook XP::Delivery Status Notification Issue

I have just installed Exchange 2007 and I am receiving delivery reports in some form of chinese text in outlook 2002;
It looks correct in OWA, if it's printed, forwarded, etc.

The exchange hub transport server sends the DSN messages in HTML format by default.

Changing it to send DSN's in text format will fix this issue.


powershell change this:

Get-TransportServer | Set-TransportServer –InternalDsnSendHtml $False